Not too long ago we reported on flexible transparent touch screens developed by 3M. But 3M is not the only company active in this game. Samsung is also working on prototypes of flexible AMOLED displays that areapparently already in a far phase of development.

Now, development of a new technology is one thing. It gets really interesting when people start thinking of how they can apply this new technology in actually products. 3M showed us a video of potential uses and now Heyon You also came up with a rather cool concept: a flexible phone. 
Just like with the 3M concepts; don’t feel too bummed out that it’s just a concept. The technology is now there, so it’s only up to the imagination of the manufacturers to really start putting products like these in production! 

I've always advised people not to worry about search engine optimization (SEO) with the explanation that it's the job of the search engine to optimize its performance -- not yours.

Over on SEOBook, there's a great article pointing out how Google is now measuring any attempt at raising the rank of a web page as the work of a spammer -- no matter the quality of the content -- and it will penalize the site.

Any attempt to modify the rank of a web page, after it's been ranked, could spell disaster for the site owner.A little known Google patent called Ranking Documents details what Google is looking at. Here is the explanation:

Google may shift the rankings of your site, in what appears to be a random manner, before Google settles on a target rank. Let's say that you're building links to a site, and the site moves up in the rankings. You would assume that the link building has had a positive effect...

Google then toys with you for a while before sending your site plummeting to the target rank. This makes it harder to determine cause and effect........
If you're a webmaster doing anything at all that might be considered an effort to improve rank, then you're a "spammer".

This is a messed up situation because even if you change what you were doing to follow the line of Google's acceptable SEO practices, it is still viewed as an attempt to modify Google's index and thus it is the work of a spammer.
The massive Panda algorithm change last year caused havoc among hundreds of thousands of web sites whose rankings changed overnight. If they did anything to try and regain their lost ranks, (and lost business) that immediately flags Google as the work of spammers!

This explains why the scrapers of legitimate sites rank higher than the original because they haven't tried to change their initial rank.

If you try to improve the quality of your site, that can work against you. For example, HubPages tried to restore its original rankings in the wake of Panda by improving the quality of the content by deleting pages, and by trying to improve grammar and even spelling. Nothing worked until it republished with subdomains, thus starting with a clean sheet.

At the time, HubPages CEO Paul Edmondson told me that there seemed was a random element at work in Google's rankings so they couldn't determine which type of SEO was working. This is a direct match with the language in Google's Ranking Documents patent description:

During the transition from the old rank to the target rank, the transition rank might cause:
- a time-based delay response,
- a negative response
- a random response, and/or
- an unexpected response

Be careful if you try to improve the quality of any of your pages by adding links, adding information, or anything at all!
Once engraved into the fabric of the Internet the content must be unchanged or Google will flag you as a spammer and penalize your ranking. The permalink has become a permafrost for content.
Is Google PageRank still important for bloggers or Online business owners.
It’s not that easy to say in one sentence, “No Google PageRank is not important at all?” Before coming to any conclusion we must go through the areas which is related or using Google PageRank.

Position in SERP- For 99% people, when we talk about ‘Google PageRank’ they relate it with only one thing, ‘position in SERP (Search Engine Result page)’. In the starting of Google era, Google was using ‘PageRank’ as one of the most important factor for deciding the position of a url in SERP; then people started manipulating the ‘PageRank’ and Google decided to decrease its influence level in algorithm.

Google Search Algorithm expert, ‘Matt Cutt’ has confirmed many a times that Google is using around 200 factors (signals) to calculate the position of a url in SERP and PageRank is one of them. If it is one of those 200 signals that are used by Google then it is clearly a recommendation that we must not get obsessed with it but we must neither ignore it.

Below Image is clearly explained how PageRank still have its importance indirectly in SERP as well.

Every Blog is looking for Traffic. Main source of traffic is Google. To get a better position in SERP you need backlinks. Value of backlink is measured by the PageRank of the page which is giving the back. So ultimately power is still in hand of PageRank.
Guest Post- When we choose a blog to put a Guest post on it then we use two criteria to select it
  1. Popularity of blog (Their Traffic).
  2. Google PageRank
Whether you except it or not but it is a fact that ‘PageRank’ play an important role in deciding the selection of a blog for guest post.

If I am having a blog which is getting 1000 visitor per day but my PageRank is ‘0’ (zero) then nobody will show interest in my blog but if I have PageRank ‘2’ or above then people are waiting to do a guest post for me (no matter how much traffic I am getting).

Reason is very much clear, people use to do Guest post to get couple of do-follow backlink and value of backlink is measured by the PageRank of the domain which is giving you backlink.
Direct Ads- When you approach client for Direct Ads on your blog to earn some money at that time also you put three basic things to compare your blog with others.

  1. Traffic
  2. Google PageRank
  3. Alexa Rank
Reason is, Google PageRank is a kind of trust that Google showing in your blog or website and your content; somehow it’s a measurement of your quality work in respect of Google and as Google is market leader in Search market so this trust have a great impact in online business.

Now we can say that although PageRank is not that important in term of SERP but still it is important for getting Guest Post, Comments and Direct Ads. It still work as an authority system to decide the value of a blog or website in World Wide Web.

Conclusion- We must not get obsessed with it but we must neither ignore it.

Sorry I forgot to tell you guys that title of this post suggest that next Gogle pagerank is due in first week of August 2012. Don’t forget to share your updated pagerank with us.

UPDATE-  Google has just started pr update process. SEOBLOGGERSTIPS is now PR-2 (from PR-0 , in almost 73 days)
Google's current ranking algorithm update
You have probably noticed that Google is currently updating its ranking algorithm. This seems to be a major update because many webmasters have seen big changes in their rankings.

The PageRank of www.MSN.com dropped to PR2 in this latest update so there really seem to be some big changes in the new algorithm.

Google engineer Matt Cutts more or less declines that this is a big update in his blog:
"These days rather than having a large monolithic update, Google tends to have smaller (and more frequent) individual launches.

My point is that more than ever, we are constantly working to improve our algorithms and scoring. Some changes are hardly noticed at all. Some changes (e.g. user interface improvements) are more visible. Some changes have nothing to do with spam [...] Some changes do try to decrease spam or increase core quality.

And again, these PageRanks and backlinks have already been incorporated into scoring a while back (Google updates PageRank continually and continuously), but some people just love to look at PageRanks.)"

What has changed with this update?
Only Google's engineers know exactly what has been changed with this update. However, it seems that some factors seem to be important in this update:

  • Hidden text spam seems to be more penalized. While most search engines consider white text on white background spamming, it seems that Google now also recognizes text that is hidden in invisible CSS layers.

  • Links from automated link exchanges and text link advertising systems seem to count less.
    As with every algorithm update, Google tries to remove the spam from its database with this update.

What should you do now?
First of all, don't panic. If your web site rankings have dropped, wait another week to make sure that the index update is over. If your web site is still not listed, take a look at what you might have done wrong.

If you use CSS to hide text on your web pages, consider removing that hidden text from your pages. Google doesn't seem to like that at all. If you use other techniques that might be considered spam, remove them from your pages.

If you have a links page, do not use a link exchange system with a central server but host your link pages on your own web site. Being part of a centralized system makes your web site vulnerable if the centralized system is considered spam. After having removed the spam elements from your pages, do the following:

1. Optimize 
Optimize your web pages for the new Google algorithm. The optimizer uses the current ranking algorithm to find out which web page elements Google wants to see on a web page for your keyword and your web site.

2. Diversify
We've said it before in this newsletter: don't put all eggs in one basket. Although it is very likely that you'll get high rankings on Google if you follow the tips above, you shouldn't focus on Google alone.

Yahoo and MSN can also bring you qualified traffic. These search engines might not be as popular as Google but they are large enough to bring you so many customers that you could even do without Google. The key to a successful online business is to get qualified traffic from all big search engines.

If you have web pages that are optimized for Google and Yahoo and MSN and Ask Jeeves then you won't get hurt so much when one of these search engines drops your rankings.

If your web site rankings on Google have dropped, don't panic and follow the tips above. Chances are good that you'll get your high rankings back.

If you worry about the dropped PageRank of your web site, you shouldn't care too much about it. If a major web site like www.MSN.com gets a PageRank of 2, the green bar shouldn't get too much attention.